From the moment you drop your child off, until the moment you pick them up, we’re here to give you peace of mind. From the front door (where rigorous ID and entry requirements mean only authorized persons are granted access), to the classroom, to the playground, we maintain a safe environment where teachers can give nurturing attention to each child, so that they may learn and grow.
To provide family members with further peace of mind about our safe, secure environment, the entire school is comprehensively monitored with a system of cameras and alarms. The multi-room display in our lobby shows a closed-circuit feed of what’s happening in the school, indoors and out.
Each of our schools has a dedicated Safety Captain, who ensures a secure environment for children, family members, and our staff. Teachers and staff members are regularly trained in safety procedures, such as emergency and evacuation situations (fire, earthquakes, etc.). Strict ratio guidelines have been instituted to maintain constant supervision of every child. Supply items for emergency and evacuations are available to each classroom, and the school is equipped with a defibrillator designed specifically for infants and children. CPR and first aid training based on essential state standards are provided to our staff.
A registered dietitian nutritionist plans all of our Grow Fit menus, with the exception of jarred food or infant cereal. In our kitchen, food is prepared for the children and always cut to appropriate size, depending on the age group eating. Meal and snack times are closely monitored by the staff, because we want your child eating not only healthy, but safely!
Outdoor equipment is regularly inspected for safety. Toys are regularly checked for broken or loose parts, monitored for choking hazards, and disinfected on a regular schedule.
Come see our unique Cottage design for yourself! We look forward to being your home away from home.